About Us
The development of the John Freeman Walls Underground Railroad Museum began in 1976 when Dr. Bryan Walls, a Windsor dentist recipient of the Order of Canada and Order of Ontario and great-great grandson of run away slave John Freeman Walls purchased the ancestral homestead from Aunt Stella Butler who passed away in 1986 at 102 years of age. Through Aunt Stella's genealogical research and oral history, Dr.Bryan Walls was able to enhance Aunt Stella's work. with his own genealogical research efforts and change the oral history legend and confirm it as family history. Dr. Bryan Walls diligently became the sole writer and author of the documented novel "THE ROAD THAT LED TO SOMEWHERE." The book was published in 1980. This story traces John and Jane Walls' perilous journey along the Underground Railroad from Troublesome Creek, Rockingham County, North Carolina to Maidstone Township Puce Ontario,Canada. Bryan Walls self published the novel in 1980. This unique love story was deemed an important part of Canadian and American history and an Historical Plaque designating the property a historic site was erected in 1982. This historic site is located at 859 Puce Road Lakeshore Ontario, Canada. It was an actual Terminal of the Underground Railroad. This site is sponsored by Proverbs Heritage Organization (a Federally registered charitable not for profit organization) and was developed to express the theme of: EQUAL SISTERHOOD AND BROTHERHOOD OF HUMANKIND world wide.

Copyright Anna Davis. © 1980
© 2017 by John Freeman Walls Historic Site/Bryan Walls